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Standard Fees: (Varies depending on Complexity of Property)

Sfr/Condo                                         $450 (Fee could change due to complexity)

Exterior only (all the above):            $350

1-4 Multi Family units:                     $600

Trust Appraisals (Retro/Prospective)       $575 (Fee could change due to complexity )

Rental Survey:                               $100

Income Operating Statement:       $ 50

1007 and 216 Combo:                  $125

442 Notice of Completion             $100

Reo Addendum                            $  75

TripFee:                                        $100

Fees can change due to complexity of assignment


We are Experienced in FHA, Reo/Foreclosure, Finance, Purchase and Trust Appraisals. Fees could change depending on the complexity of each appraisal assignment. Please call if any questions about fee quotes. CREDIT CARD, COD Payment method Preferred. Tribay Appraisal does understand that there are circumstances that require Billing and will take that method into consideration.

WE ACCEPTING CREDIT CARDS! ($5.00 processing fee added)